Mom & Littles

Better Sleep With Little Ones

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When our son Porter was born, we had a really hard time getting him to sleep for naps and even at nighttime. It took a long time to get him into a good nap and nighttime routine because I didn’t ever set a consistent one. When our daughter Piper was born, I knew I wanted her to have better sleep habits from the start.

For awhile she didn’t need much sleep training, she sort of set her own schedule and slept really well most nights. Then around 6 months she started to have some sleep regression. Piper from the time she was born never really liked to nap. We were okay with that at first because she wasn’t fussy during the day and slept well at night. When the sleep regression began, we noticed her becoming tired and fussy during the days. I knew then it was time to start putting her down for naps, but she was taking to them very well, like at all.

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So, a few weeks ago we began trying to teach her how to self settle, and using the Little Ones Sleep Program. This app has such helpful information and tips to create better, more restful sleep. There are many different types of methods to choose from so if one doesn’t work, you can try something else. I love that this program doesn’t push one method over another, and I feel confident and comfortable every night putting her to sleep.

After using the Little Ones Sleep App for a few weeks, we were able to get her on a good nightly routine and implemented a great nap and sleep schedule. Then Piper got sick and everything changed again. She went backwards a bit, and I thought for sure all our hard work was for nothing. I looked through our sleep program and noticed they actually have a section about situations just like this, and what to do when your little is sick, and their sleeping patterns change. So far, after a few nights of trying to get things back on track I am seeing great progress. She is waking less and less each night, and this mama is finally getting some much-needed rest herself!

I’m thankful for this program, and how much it has helped us so far. I wish I would’ve had this program with my son, and I highly recommend it to any parents struggling with their child’s sleep routine. They have programs that cater to newborn all the way up to 3 years old.

Use my code ASHLEY to receive 15% off discount on any sleep program! If you’re interested in checking it out or learn more click here!

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