Fit Mama

5 Tips To Help You Lose That Baby Weight!

Okay, so you just delivered this amazing little miracle that your body took 9 months to create. Your body is going through changes you can’t even begin to imagine all over again. Yes, you’re still going to leave the hospital looking at least 3 months pregnant, unlike those crazy celebrities who look like super models right after birth. Give yourself a break girl, you just created LIFE. Take this time to enjoy every second of that newborn baby and give your body time to heal before you start thinking about hitting the weights.

When you’re ready to start working out, here are 5 tips to help you lose the weight and keep it off for good!

  1. Breastfeed, if you can! Not all women can or choose to breastfeed and that’s fine, fed is best. I personally was not able to, but If you can it helps with postpartum weight loss. Breastfeeding mommas burn about 300-500 calories a day. It’s important to note that yes you are losing those extra calories but you still need to keep yourself well nourished. Breastfeeding can make you a hungry maniac. Be sure you stock up on healthy quick snacks like fruits and nuts to keep you feeling satisfied without the extra calories. Breastfeeding also increases levels of a hormone called oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract and shrink further flattening your baby bump.
  2. Ease into a new routine, and don’t push yourself. You may feel ready to get back in action, but your body may feel otherwise. If you push too hard at first, you can injure yourself and it will take even longer to recover especially if you’ve had a C-Section. Walking is a great first exercise to start with. It’s a simple, low-impact way to gauge if your body is ready for exercise. Walking is also a great way to exercise with your new addition. If its nice outdoors, take the baby out for a nice walk and get some fresh air. When they’re young it’s hard to find time to work out on your own, so it’s best to find things you can do with baby. As time passes, you can keep introducing new workouts your body can handle such as yoga, HIIT, cardio, weights, and more.
  3. Eat clean, whole foods and avoid fad diets! Most fad diets are low-calorie diets that help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. These crash diets are unhealthy and can be harmful. It can also cause you to gain all the weight back quickly too which defeats the purpose. Your body requires good nutrition to heal and recover after delivery so it’s best to eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. I also recommend programs like Weight Watchers to help you keep track of the foods you’re eating and keep you within the appropriate portions. They offer great recipes, tips, and motivation from real people on weight loss journeys. It also allows you to eat the foods you love so you’re not depriving yourself of those delicious treats now and then. I have been doing Weight Watchers myself and love it! 😊
  4. Stay hydrated! If you’re breastfeeding it’s important to know that breast milk is 50 percent water, so nursing moms need to make sure they’re not getting dehydrated. Also, even you’re not breastfeeding water is essential to making sure you are hydrated, feeling energized, and can help you to feel full so you don’t reach for those unhealthy snacks!
  5. Grab a friend & make it fun. If you don’t feel like you can motivate yourself to do it alone, grab a friend or another momma and make it a team effort. Working out with a partner not only keeps you accountable but helps to make it feel less like a chore and more of something to look forward to. Set small goals to achieve along the way and celebrate each one you meet. I know when I set my goals I reward myself for each one with something I want like a new eyeliner or a new pair of workout shorts. This helps keep it fun and exciting!
  • I also recommend a postpartum recovery belt, they sell a great one a Motherhood Maternity!

Following these tips are not a guarantee for weight loss, but it can help you create healthy habits. Don’t get discourage if the pounds don’t melt away like magic. It took 9 months to create that baby bump, it’s going to take time to shed it. Everyone’s body is different, so never compare yourself to others. ALWAYS be sure to consult your OBGYN or Primary Doctor before starting any exercise programs and/or diets.


  • Nicole

    Girl, you’re speaking my language! I’m currently massively pregnant and unable to see my feet. All I’ve been doing lately is fantasizing about the clothes that I’m gunna wear and the runs that I’m going to go on!

  • Malisa

    This post came right on time! I have 7 months postpartum after baby #5 and I have just started working out again. I have been drinking lots of water and maintaining a workout routine of 20 minutes. Great tips!

  • candy

    All of these are great ideas and really work to help lose the baby weight. I lost ten pounds when I stopped nursing which was awesome and very encouraging.

  • Sheree

    These are great tips and tricks, thanks for sharing! Loosing baby weight can be difficult but these are great tips, I will definitely be sharing with friends who are looking to loose baby weight.

    ~xo Sheree

  • Alexis H

    Staying hydrated is so important! Taking your time is another, don’t ever push to much on yourself, I found positive thinking is another great one don’t expect to lose it fast some times it takes a while!

  • Chelsae

    Such great tips! I especially love the one about enjoying fad diets. The other tips you provided are great ways to help lose weight, especially being active with a friend!

  • Iryna Bychkiv

    I agree with all of this! Diets are bad, consistent healthy eating is what makes fat to go away. I also had a postpartum belt and I think it contributed to my belly looking slimmer faster.

  • Danielle

    I like these tips! I know too many new mamas forcing themselves to lose weight quickly, and causing a whole host of other problems! Take your time, enjoy the baby, and ease in! Awesome!

  • Izzy

    Such excellent tips! Exactly how I lost 70 lbs slooowwwly and TWICE, although I recently put some of it back on. Definitely helped motivate met to workout with my husband and friends!

    Isabella David Vintage

  • Tiffany

    These tips sounds great! I will definitely share this to my friends. Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ Hope you can check out our Instagram Auditor at, where it helps you check your Instagram account for fake followers and likes!


  • Kenzie

    I followed all of these great tips with my first one! And they truly made a difference!
    As we’re preparing for number 2 it’s great to refresh on some of these tips!!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Kayla

    I had baby #4 three months ago and I am definitely ready to get back into the swing of a workout routine. These are great tips for everyone.

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